cvs commit: ports/security/vuxml vuln.xml

Dmitry Marakasov amdmi3 at
Mon Oct 17 04:26:37 UTC 2011

* Alexey Dokuchaev (danfe at wrote:

> > Fixed, thanks. That, however, is not a real reason to delay
> > vulnerability database update, and the PR shouldn't have been closed.
> But I didn't close it when I decided to fix the vuxml text (but had to get
> AFK during weekend).  Perhaps it can be closed now since you've fixed those
> entries (thanks for that BTW!).

True, I've missed that - sorry.

Dmitry Marakasov   .   55B5 0596 FF1E 8D84 5F56  9510 D35A 80DD F9D2 F77D
amdmi3 at  ..:  jabber: amdmi3 at

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