cvs commit: www/ja/ports Makefile index.sgml installing.sgml portindex ports.ent references.sgml searching.sgml updating.sgml

Ryusuke SUZUKI ryusuke at
Sun Jun 26 00:43:28 UTC 2011

ryusuke     2011-06-26 00:43:28 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    ja/ports             Makefile portindex 
  Added files:
    ja/ports             index.sgml installing.sgml ports.ent 
                         references.sgml searching.sgml 
  Merge the following from the English version:
          1.45 -> 1.50    www/ja/ports/Makefile
          (new) -> 1.3    www/ja/ports/index.sgml
          (new) -> 1.3    www/ja/ports/installing.sgml
          1.55 -> 1.57    www/ja/ports/portindex
          (new) -> 1.1    www/ja/ports/ports.ent
          (new) -> 1.4    www/ja/ports/references.sgml
          (new) -> 1.3    www/ja/ports/searching.sgml
          (new) -> 1.2    www/ja/ports/updateing.sgml
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.33      +19 -9     www/ja/ports/Makefile
  1.1       +76 -0     www/ja/ports/index.sgml (new)
  1.1       +31 -0     www/ja/ports/installing.sgml (new)
  1.36      +67 -29    www/ja/ports/portindex
  1.1       +28 -0     www/ja/ports/ports.ent (new)
  1.1       +91 -0     www/ja/ports/references.sgml (new)
  1.1       +41 -0     www/ja/ports/searching.sgml (new)
  1.1       +58 -0     www/ja/ports/updating.sgml (new)

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