cvs commit: ports/biology/kinemage Makefile ports/graphics/xmms-msa Makefile ports/graphics/yafray Makefile

Baptiste Daroussin bapt at
Thu Jun 16 17:33:07 UTC 2011

bapt        2011-06-16 17:33:07 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    biology/kinemage     Makefile 
    graphics/xmms-msa    Makefile 
    graphics/yafray      Makefile 
  Another bunch of deprecation: no more public distfiles and/or abandonware
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.19      +3 -0      ports/biology/kinemage/Makefile
  1.7       +3 -0      ports/graphics/xmms-msa/Makefile
  1.23      +3 -0      ports/graphics/yafray/Makefile

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