cvs commit: ports/graphics/tiff Makefile pkg-plist ports/graphics/tiff/files

Alex Dupre ale at
Mon Jun 13 12:48:04 UTC 2011

Boris Samorodov ha scritto:
> uses pkgconfig.
> -----
>> +-pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
>> ++pkgconfigdir = $(prefix)/libdata/pkgconfig
> -----

Not exactly, it installs a file in a directory included in 
BSD.local.dist, that can be used later by other ports via pkg-config.

> Pkg-plist has apropriate file.
> -----
>> -lib/pkgconfig/libtiff-4.pc
>> +libdata/pkgconfig/libtiff-4.pc
>> + at dirrmtry libdata/pkgconfig
> -----
> Seems that the port should use the dropped dependency.

It should only remove the @dirrmtry line.

Alex Dupre

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