cvs commit: ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp Makefile

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Thu Dec 15 10:54:53 UTC 2011

Em 14-12-2011 21:44, Ryan Steinmetz escreveu:
> It would also be appreciated to ping the maintainer letting them know
> that you plan to make commits to their port.  If you don't hear anything
> back within a couple days (and it's in a maintainer timeout state), then
> proceed.
> I had reviewed this PR and had been investigating a solution.  If you
> had reached out, I would have been able to share this with you.
I'm sorry, I just looked at the PR backlog and the patch that Michael 
sent me, I haven't noticed that you took maintainership in the meantime. 
Otherwise, I'd have asked Michael to discuss this change with you. I 
should have been more careful with this. On the other hand, I'd like add 
that you should have taken the PRs when you took maintainership. Leaving 
PRs in an inconsistent state is confusing and being a maintainer also 
includes the responsibility of monitoring and answering update and 
change request and not just exercising authority over the port. I'm sure 
your intentions are good and your decisions are reasonable but if you 
don't even have time to answer PRs in a reasonable time, you should 
rethink if you are able to deal with more ports when you take 


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