cvs commit: ports/archivers/p5-Archive-Any pkg-plist ports/archivers/p5-Archive-SimpleExtractor pkg-plist ports/archivers/p5-Compress-LZF pkg-plist ports/archivers/p5-Compress-LZO pkg-plist ports/archivers/p5-Compress-LZW pkg-plist ports/archiver

John Hein jhein at
Sun Oct 3 23:01:50 UTC 2010

Andrej Zverev wrote at 09:39 +0400 on Sep 24, 2010:
 > On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 6:03 AM, Philip M. Gollucci
 > <pgollucci at>wrote:
 > > pgollucci    2010-09-24 02:03:44 UTC
 > >
 > >  FreeBSD ports repository
 > >  Log:
 > >  - only 13% of the p5- ports embed @comment $FreeBSD$:
 > >    so standarize and remove it
 > How about to explain the benefits of this?

I know a number of people have come down on both sides of the fence
for this one (and some firmly on top of the fence).  I'll mention that
it has come in handy for me in the past.  I put it into the category
of ident strings in binaries.  It has a similar utility.

Because I find it useful in maintaining and using a port/package,
I've been one that has added it to pkg-plist in the past.

One more thing that strikes me... the 13% rational doesn't seem like a
useful metric for deciding when something should be deemed
non-standard and removed.  If we always followed that, nothing new
would ever get added.  Also was it in a rising number of ports?

Anyway, I won't lose any sleep over it, but I just thought I'd toss in
another opinion.

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