cvs commit: ports/emulators/mupen64plus Makefile
ports/emulators/mupen64plus-audio-sdl Makefile
ports/emulators/mupen64plus-core Makefile Makefile.common
ports/emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl Makefile
QAT at
QAT at
Sat Dec 18 03:47:34 UTC 2010
The Restless Daemon identified a mtree error while trying to build:
mupen64plus-input-sdl-1.99.4_1 maintained by acm at
Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl/Makefile,v 1.3 2010/12/17 05:47:54 acm Exp $
Excerpt from :
pkg_add libXrender-0.9.5.tbz
skipping libXrender-0.9.5, already added
pkg_add libXrandr-1.3.0.tbz
skipping libXrandr-1.3.0, already added
pkg_add renderproto-0.11.tbz
skipping renderproto-0.11, already added
pkg_add randrproto-1.3.1.tbz
skipping randrproto-1.3.1, already added
pkg_add sdl-1.2.14_2,2.tbz
skipping sdl-1.2.14_2,2, already added
===> Installing for mupen64plus-input-sdl-1.99.4_1
===> mupen64plus-input-sdl-1.99.4_1 depends on shared library: GLU.1 - found
===> mupen64plus-input-sdl-1.99.4_1 depends on shared library: SDL-1.2.11 - found
===> Generating temporary packing list
===> Checking if emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl already installed
install -o root -g wheel -m 444 /work/a/ports/emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl/work/mupen64plus-bundle-src-1.99.4/source/mupen64plus-input-sdl/data/InputAutoCfg.ini /usr/local/share/mupen64plus
install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555 /work/a/ports/emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl/work/mupen64plus-bundle-src-1.99.4/source/mupen64plus-input-sdl/projects/unix/ /usr/local/lib
===> Running ldconfig
/sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib
===> Registering installation for mupen64plus-input-sdl-1.99.4_1
====================<phase 7: make package>====================
===> Building package for mupen64plus-input-sdl-1.99.4_1
tar: lib/mupen64plus/ Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
pkg_create: make_dist: tar command failed with code 256
*** Error code 1
Stop in /a/ports/emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl.
Deleting mupen64plus-input-sdl-1.99.4_1
pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/lib/mupen64plus/' doesn't exist
pkg_delete: couldn't entirely delete package (perhaps the packing list is
incorrectly specified?)
=== Checking filesystem state
list of extra files and directories in / (not present before this port was installed but present after it was deinstalled)
42958860 60 -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 30560 Dec 18 03:47 usr/local/lib/
build of /usr/ports/emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl ended at Sat Dec 18 03:47:30 UTC 2010
The tarballed WRKDIR can be found here:
PortsMon page for the port:
The build which triggered this BotMail was done under
tinderbox-3.3_3; dsversion: 3.2.1 on RELENG_8 on amd64, kern.smp.cpus: 8
with tinderd_flags="-nullfs -plistcheck -onceonly" and ccache support, with the
"official" up-to-date Ports Tree, with the following vars set:
A description of the testing process can be found here:
Thanks for your work on making FreeBSD better,
QAT - your friendly neighborhood Daemon,
preparing a heck of an error trapping system:
- "HMC and EOI?"
- "Halt, Melt and Catch fire or Execute Operator Immediately."
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