cvs commit: doc/share/pgpkeys bcr.key pgpkeys-developers.sgml pgpkeys.ent

Benedict Reuschling bcr at
Fri May 29 16:22:19 UTC 2009

bcr         2009-05-29 16:22:18 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    share/pgpkeys        pgpkeys-developers.sgml pgpkeys.ent 
  Added files:
    share/pgpkeys        bcr.key 
  Add my key to the other ones with the appropriate entries and references
  in pgpkeys.ent and pgpkeys-developers.sgml
  Approved by:    jkois (mentor)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1       +41 -0     doc/share/pgpkeys/bcr.key (new)
  1.100     +5 -0      doc/share/pgpkeys/pgpkeys-developers.sgml
  1.196     +1 -0      doc/share/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.ent

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