[ports] cvs commit: ports UPDATING ports/Mk bsd.perl.mk ports/lang/perl5.8 Makefile Makefile.man distinfo pkg-plist ports/lang/perl5.8/files patch-freebsd.sh patch-makedepend patch-perl.c patch-sv.c patch-utf-regcomp

Philip M. Gollucci pgollucci at p6m7g8.com
Wed Jan 14 09:01:55 PST 2009

> - (maybe) create meta-port lang/perl5 (like lang/python do)
I don't know about this one, I've had sporatic un reproducible issues with that.

Is there some reason we can't just work to drop 5.6 ? I mean seriously


1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci (pgollucci at p6m7g8.com) c: 703.336.9354
Consultant          - P6M7G8 Inc.                http://p6m7g8.net
Senior Sys Admin    - RideCharge, Inc.           http://ridecharge.com
Contractor          - PositiveEnergyUSA          http://positiveenergyusa.com
ASF Member          - Apache Software Foundation http://apache.org
FreeBSD Committer   - FreeBSD Foundation         http://freebsd.org

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