cvs commit: ports/lang/ruby18/files patch-ext_socket_socket.c

Stanislav Sedov stas at
Sun Feb 22 16:41:09 PST 2009

stas        2009-02-23 00:41:08 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Added files:
    lang/ruby18/files    patch-ext_socket_socket.c 
  - Ruby socket connect code seems to work unstably in case if connection
    to remote host was refused. FreeBSD connect(2) call returns EINVAL in
    that case and clears the error code, so there's no way to determine
    what happened. Reimplement ruby_connect via select call instead of
    polling the status by connect(2). This may also reduce overhead (though,
    not verified).
  Reported by:    Saku Ytti <saku at>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1       +105 -0    ports/lang/ruby18/files/patch-ext_socket_socket.c (new)

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