cvs commit: ports/www/typo3 Makefile distinfo

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Tue Aug 18 22:15:27 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 01:19:02AM +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote:
> Martin Wilke <miwi at> writes:
> > miwi        2009-08-18 20:48:11 UTC
> >
> >   FreeBSD ports repository
> >
> >   Modified files:
> >     www/typo3            Makefile distinfo 
> >   Log:
> >   - Update to 4.2.8
> >   
> >   PR:             137913
> >   Submitted by:   Gerrit Beine <gerrit.beine at> (maintainer)
> It's good when ports are updated to new versions. ;-)
> However this port removes it's configuration files
> unconditionally:
> No offence to maintainer/anybody else, I've taken this port
> occasionally, but the general question is: what shall we do
> with such behaviour? Should we mark them as broken?
Marking a port BROKEN should only be used as a last resort, either
because there is no maintainer to contact, the upstream has dropped the
project, or there being no abvious techinical solution for the problem.
Given this particular case, there both is an active maintainer and an
easy techinical solution, so why not send a personal message to the
maintainer reminding him of the issue, or even better, providing a patch
for it?


Erwin Lansing                         
Prediction is very difficult
especially about the future                    erwin at
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