cvs commit: ports/misc/zoneinfo Makefile ports/misc/zoneinfo/files patch-africa patch-asia patch-southamerica

Edwin Groothuis edwin at
Sat Sep 6 04:09:46 UTC 2008

On Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 01:42:29PM +1000, Edwin Groothuis wrote:
> Time for a QAT=no flag!

Maybe not.

QAT=	no		<- Fully disable it
QAT=	checksum	<- Don't complain about anything after the checksum phase
QAT=	build		<- Don't complain about anything after the build phase
QAT=	ignoremlist	<- Don't complain about mlist failures

The QAT still can do the whole build, it's just the reporting which
doesn't happen.


Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website:
edwin at    |              Weblog:

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