cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/jexec jexec.8 jexec.c
Christian S.J. Peron
csjp at
Mon May 26 13:59:44 UTC 2008
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:57:49AM +0000, Michael Reifenberger wrote:
> mr 2008-05-26 11:57:49 UTC
> FreeBSD src repository
> Modified files:
> usr.sbin/jexec jexec.8 jexec.c
> Log:
> Extend jexec to accept hostname or ip-number besides jail-id.
Currently, the only unique part of a jail is the jail ID. Even
then, this value can be re-used. One of the ideas we bounced
around at the developer summit was to introduce an "administrative
name". The discussion to implement this was surrounding auditing
and the implementation of the zonename token within audit records.
This would also solve your problem, but as it stands this modification
seems incorrect to me.
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