cvs commit: www/share/sgml news.xml www/en/news/status Makefile report-2008-01-2008-03.xml status.sgml

Brad Davis brd at
Wed May 14 22:54:15 UTC 2008

brd         2008-05-14 22:54:15 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    share/sgml           news.xml 
    en/news/status       Makefile status.sgml 
  Added files:
    en/news/status       report-2008-01-2008-03.xml 
  Add the January - March, 2008 Status Reports. The next Status Reports are due July 6th, 2008.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.42      +2 -1      www/en/news/status/Makefile
  1.1       +867 -0    www/en/news/status/report-2008-01-2008-03.xml (new)
  1.50      +9 -2      www/en/news/status/status.sgml
  1.161     +17 -1     www/share/sgml/news.xml

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