cvs commit: ports/graphics/povray pkg-plist

Maho Nakata maho at
Thu Jul 3 04:09:52 UTC 2008

maho        2008-07-03 04:09:51 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    graphics/povray      pkg-plist 
  From povray-3.6.1/doc/distribution-license.txt
  it reads
  > 2.4. Where the Distributor reproduces the Software in accordance with
  >      clause 2.1:
  >       (a) the Distributor may rename, reorganise or repackage (without
  >           omission) the files comprising the Software where such
  >           renaming, reorganisation or repackaging is necessary to
  >           conform to the naming or organisation scheme of the target
  >           operating environment of the Distribution or of an established
  >           package management system of the target operating environment
  >           of the Distribution; and
  so simply we cannot set %%PORTDOCS%%, because we can make a package
  without documentations. Otherwise RESTRICTED but
  I don't take such a complicated approach.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +533 -533  ports/graphics/povray/pkg-plist

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