cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/5-roadmap article.sgml
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
almarrie at
Mon Sep 17 15:39:04 PDT 2007
On 9/18/07, Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at> wrote:
> On 2007-09-18 00:12, Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri <almarrie at> wrote:
> >On 9/18/07, Gabor Kovesdan <gabor at> wrote:
> >>Giorgos Keramidas escribi??:
> >>> keramida 2007-09-17 21:02:43 UTC
> >>>
> >>> FreeBSD doc repository
> >>>
> >>> Modified files:
> >>> en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/5-roadmap article.sgml
> >>> Log:
> >>> Avoid using "It was", but use a more explicit reference to the
> >>> version-guide article in the abstract of 5-roadmap. This way
> >>> the text is a bit less confusing.
> >>
> >> Shouldn't this be nuked? I remember it came to the topic some time ago,
> >> but we won't have
> >> any new releases from 5.X any more and it has only a historical
> >> significance.
> >
> > When you go on and keep reading, and follow the links you feel the 5.x
> > task isn't completed yet, and I feel it's misleading, I would suggest
> > you make docs for FreeBSD 7.x Road Map or even 8.x
> That's odd. After reading this in the current abstract:
> <para> This document is now mostly of historical value. It
> presented a roadmap for the development of &os;'s &t.releng.5;
> branch. It was originally written in February 2003 (between
> the 5.0 and 5.1 releases), and was intended to provide a plan
> for making the &t.releng.5; branch <quote>stable</quote>, both
> in terms of code quality and finalization of various
> APIs/ABIs. For a different perspective, the article
> <ulink url="&url.articles.version-guide;">
> <quote>Choosing the &os; Version That Is Right For You</quote>
> </ulink>
> may be of interest. The version-guide article was written in August
> 2005 (two and a half years later), and it contains a section
> discussing how these plans and events actually unfolded, as well as
> some lessons learned.</para>
> it was obvious to me that the article is *not* describing the current
> state of affairs. Any suggestions about improving the text to make it
> less confusing for people who just happen to stumble upon it now, are
> very welcome :)
I think if you change the title itself it will be good idea.
The Road Map for 5-STABLE to The Road Map for 5-STABLE ( historical value )
-Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
Arab Portal
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