cvs commit: src/sys/netinet tcp.h

Andre Oppermann andre at
Thu May 24 23:47:39 UTC 2007

Andrew Thompson wrote:
> On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 07:16:21PM +0000, Andre Oppermann wrote:
>> andre       2007-05-23 19:16:21 UTC
>>   FreeBSD src repository
>>   Modified files:
>>     sys/netinet          tcp.h 
>>   Log:
>>   Add CWR back into the PRINT_TH_FLAGS list as gcc42 doesn't complain
>>   about \8 in a string anymore.
>>   Revision  Changes    Path
>>   1.39      +1 -1      src/sys/netinet/tcp.h
>> - * $FreeBSD: /usr/local/www/cvsroot/FreeBSD/src/sys/netinet/tcp.h,v 1.38 2007/05/18 19:58:37 andre Exp $
>> + * $FreeBSD: /usr/local/www/cvsroot/FreeBSD/src/sys/netinet/tcp.h,v 1.39 2007/05/23 19:16:21 andre Exp $
>>   */
>>  #ifndef _NETINET_TCP_H_
>> @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ struct tcphdr {
>>  #define	TH_ECE	0x40
>>  #define	TH_CWR	0x80
>> -#define	PRINT_TH_FLAGS	"\20\1FIN\2SYN\3RST\4PUSH\5ACK\6URG\7ECE"
> Shouldnt this be \10 instead of \8

man printf(9) doesn't say so.  However gcc42 doesn't accept it
either, it just prints an error but continues.

  The arguments are made up of a sequence of bit identifiers.
  Each bit identifier begins with an integer value which is
  the number of the bit (starting from 1) this identifier
  describes.  The rest of the identifier is a string of
  characters containing the name of the bit.  The string is
  terminated by either the bit number at the start of the next
  bit identifier or NUL for the last bit identifier.

The whole situation is a bit confusing.


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