cvs commit: src/sys/libkern mcount.c

Bruce Evans brde at
Wed Jun 13 18:50:00 UTC 2007

On Wed, 13 Jun 2007, Kip Macy wrote:

> - Original message -
> No. It's unlikely that you even configure profiling.  Bruce
> ROTFL. In that case what does 'config -pp' do? And why did it print
> something to the effect of "profiling configured" on the console? And
> why did the hang go away when I re-built without '-pp'?

It's unlikely because 0.01% of users configure kernel profiling and
you didn't report configuring it.

Profiling doesn't hang for me, but I use uncommitted fixes for locking,
and only use it on amd64 and i386, and haven't tried it under SMP
lately.  Profiling never worked right for SMP and hangs are one
possibility for it not working.  -pp is only supported for amd64 and
i386.  I only tried it lately to see if gcc-4.2 broke it.  gcc-4.2
certainly broke -pp, but AFAIK not in a way that causes additional
hangs or breaks -p.


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