cvs commit: src/sys/conf files

Max Laier max at
Wed Jul 11 23:13:57 UTC 2007

On Thursday 12 July 2007, Jack F Vogel wrote:
> jfv         2007-07-11 22:59:57 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     sys/conf             files
>   Log:
>   New driver for Intel 10G PCI-Express adapter (82598), driver is
>   still in Beta, but we want early users to have access to it in
>   7.0, Feedback welcome. Enjoy.   -Jack
>   Approved by: re
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.1235    +10 -0     src/sys/conf/files
>   1.89      +3 -0      src/sys/conf/

Just wondering: Why are we pulling in the INCLUDES for the whole kernel?  
You can specify per file CFLAGS in conf/files as well.

/"\  Best regards,                      | mlaier at
\ /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661
 X  | mlaier at EFnet
/ \  ASCII Ribbon Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News
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