cvs commit: src/sys/amd64/conf NOTES src/sys/conf files options options.amd64 options.i386 options.pc98 src/sys/i386/conf NOTES src/sys/i4b/driver i4b_ing.c i4b_ipr.c i4b_isppp.c src/sys/pc98/conf NOTES

Bjoern A. Zeeb bz at
Wed Jul 4 00:18:40 UTC 2007

bz          2007-07-04 00:18:39 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/amd64/conf       NOTES 
    sys/conf             files options options.amd64 options.i386 
    sys/i386/conf        NOTES 
    sys/i4b/driver       i4b_ing.c i4b_ipr.c i4b_isppp.c 
    sys/pc98/conf        NOTES 
  Temporary disconnect i4bing, i4bisppp and i4bipr from the build for
  the 7.0 timeframe.
  This is needed because I4B is not locked and NET_NEEDS_GIANT goes away.
  The plan is to lock I4B and bring everything back for 7.1.
  Approved by:    re (kensmith)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.68      +2 -2      src/sys/amd64/conf/NOTES
  1.1231    +3 -3      src/sys/conf/files
  1.599     +3 -3      src/sys/conf/options
  1.29      +2 -2      src/sys/conf/options.amd64
  1.238     +2 -2      src/sys/conf/options.i386
  1.201     +2 -2      src/sys/conf/options.pc98
  1.1243    +9 -8      src/sys/i386/conf/NOTES
  1.25      +2 -0      src/sys/i4b/driver/i4b_ing.c
  1.39      +1 -1      src/sys/i4b/driver/i4b_ipr.c
  1.32      +1 -1      src/sys/i4b/driver/i4b_isppp.c
  1.85      +9 -8      src/sys/pc98/conf/NOTES

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