cvs commit: src/sys/sys rwlock.h src/sys/kern kern_rwlock.c

Robert Watson rwatson at
Mon Feb 26 19:05:14 UTC 2007

rwatson     2007-02-26 19:05:13 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/sys              rwlock.h 
    sys/kern             kern_rwlock.c 
  Add rw_wowned() interface to rwlock(9), allowing a kernel thread to
  determine if it holds an exclusive rwlock reference or not.  This is
  non-ideal, but recursion scenarios in the network stack currently
  require it.
  Approved by:    jhb
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.14      +7 -0      src/sys/kern/kern_rwlock.c
  1.7       +1 -0      src/sys/sys/rwlock.h

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