cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/edquota edquota.c src/usr.bin/quota quota.c src/sbin/quotacheck quotacheck.c src/usr.sbin/quotaon quotaon.c src/usr.sbin/repquota repquota.c

Mike Pritchard mpp at
Sun Feb 4 06:33:15 UTC 2007

mpp         2007-02-04 06:33:15 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    usr.sbin/edquota     edquota.c 
    usr.bin/quota        quota.c 
    sbin/quotacheck      quotacheck.c 
    usr.sbin/quotaon     quotaon.c 
    usr.sbin/repquota    repquota.c 
  If two files systems, /a and /b are marked as having quotas enabled
  in fstab and they are normally mounted as /a/b, if /b is not mounted,
  the various quota utilities will incorrectly operate with the quotas on
  /a (silently) when operations are attemted on /b.
  Sync up all the hasquota() routines between all the different
  quota utilities and change it to detect if the file system we are
  attempting to perform quota operations on is not currently mounted
  and warn the user accordingly.
  PR:     bin/38918
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.32      +17 -6     src/sbin/quotacheck/quotacheck.c
  1.27      +21 -7     src/usr.bin/quota/quota.c
  1.26      +23 -8     src/usr.sbin/edquota/edquota.c
  1.12      +21 -8     src/usr.sbin/quotaon/quotaon.c
  1.20      +22 -8     src/usr.sbin/repquota/repquota.c

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