cvs commit: ports/devel/linux-kmod-compat Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Fri Feb 2 18:19:14 UTC 2007

Luigi Rizzo píše v pá 02. 02. 2007 v 18:08 +0000:

>   + portlint also complains because the url in pkg-descr does not contain
>     'www'. Can't help it, the url really does not contain 'www'.

It actually complains the URL is not prefixed with WWW: moniker.

>   + For the same reason, at this time i prefer not to list all individual
>     files in pkg-plist. When the thing has settled a bit more, I will reconsider
>     this choice.

You can't do this. Now, the packages will contain nothing (read: be

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

Geography is only physics slowed down, with a few trees stuck on it...
  -- Terry Pratchett
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