cvs commit: ports/net/samba3 Makefile

Remko Lodder remko at
Tue Dec 11 14:39:56 PST 2007

remko       2007-12-11 22:39:55 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository (src,doc committer)

  Modified files:
    net/samba3           Makefile 
  Make Samba forbidden till Timur had the time to upgrade this, because
  samba appears to be vulnerable to remote code execution which could harm
  our users.
  This will be removed after we have a safe version to which we can upgrade.
  Hat:                                    secteam
  Discussed with and requested by:        timur
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.166     +2 -0      ports/net/samba3/Makefile

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