cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen fts-compat.c fts-compat.h

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Mon Aug 27 12:03:20 PDT 2007

* John Baldwin <jhb at> [070827 05:48] wrote:
> I think it will be confusing to have missing symbols just as folks would
> have thought it confusing to have 6.x ship with if we had
> bumped libc multiple times.  I also think that just managing the
> interfaces that show up in releases and -stable branches will be enough
> extra bookkeeping to keep track of as it is.

This is something I just don't understand, why is some psuedo-arbitrary
number somehow MORE confusing/damaging than some convoluted upgrade

The only negative (which is bs) of doing so is keeping around multiple
compat libraries for the same release, which we can simply decide not
to do.

(meaning, for your example there does not need to be a
shipped in some compat package unless someone really wants to)


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