cvs commit: src/sys/kern kern_thr.c syscalls.master src/sys/sys
Matt Olander
matt at
Mon Aug 20 12:39:04 PDT 2007
On Monday 20 August 2007 12:01 pm, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> --On Monday, August 20, 2007 12:51:19 -0600 Scott Long <scottl at>
> wrote:
> > I'm official out of this discussion. For the record, I have a lot of
> > respect for the PC-BSD guys and I'm very happy that they are doing this
> > work, I was just trying to provide some guidance so that this doesn't
> > turn into a bad hack that we regret years from now. But whatever, it's
> > quite obvious that my input is unwelcome. The subtle and not so subtle
> > attacks from you and Robert really aren't warranted at all. Please drop
> > me from all future emails on this subject. Thanks.
> Just for the record here, I think that Scott did bring up a very valid
> point in what he had said ... Kris did mention 'PC-BSD including it even if
> FreeBSD didn't' (or words to that effect), and Scott's response was only
> meant (at least the way I had read it) to bring us back into focus that we
> are better to come up with a BSD solution vs risking further forking of
> code ...
> Please note that in all of this dicussion, it is only been recent that
> someone mentioned a 'kld solution', which I think would be cool ...
PC-BSD definitely doesn't want to fork. Kris just meant that he'd include the
patches until a better solution, such as a kld in -CURRENT, was found.
Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101
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