cvs commit: src/sys/kern kern_thr.c syscalls.master src/sys/sys

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Mon Aug 20 12:31:21 PDT 2007

* The Hermit Hacker <scrappy at> [070820 11:59] wrote:
> Just for the record here, I think that Scott did bring up a very valid point in 
> what he had said ... Kris did mention 'PC-BSD including it even if FreeBSD 
> didn't' (or words to that effect), and Scott's response was only meant (at 
> least the way I had read it) to bring us back into focus that we are better to 
> come up with a BSD solution vs risking further forking of code ...
> Please note that in all of this dicussion, it is only been recent that someone 
> mentioned a 'kld solution', which I think would be cool ...
> I do think that the 'mud slinging' at Scott was quite out of place ...

There was no mud being slung, threatening someone with a fork because
they choose to go with a kld until the developers can accept a new
call (that exists in just about every other OS)... whatever dude.

I suggested the kld by the way.


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