cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/crunch/crunchgen crunchgen.1 crunchgen.c

Ceri Davies ceri at
Wed May 31 12:13:31 PDT 2006

ceri        2006-05-31 19:11:59 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:        (Branch: RELENG_6)
    usr.sbin/crunch/crunchgen crunchgen.1 crunchgen.c 
  MFC crunchgen.1 revisions 1.29 - 1.30 and crunchgen.c revision 1.36:
  Commands like gmirror, graid3, ... and others which use dlopen() to load
  classes from say, /lib/geom, cannot be statically linked completely.
  Moreover, those shared objects may require other shared objects (i.e.
  for geom, libraries like -lmd, -lcrypto).
  The libs_so extension to crunchgen fixes this by allowing some libraries
  to be linked in dynamically.  This requires that a copy of rtld and the
  shared libraries be made available to the crunched binary, and so is not
  suitable for all environments.  Crunchgen configurations which do not
  use the 'libs_so' keyword are unaffected and produce identical binaries
  with and without this commit.
  Approved by:            jhb
  In collaboration with:  Adrian Steinmann <ast at marabu dot ch>
  Revision   Changes    Path  +31 -3     src/usr.sbin/crunch/crunchgen/crunchgen.1   +65 -2     src/usr.sbin/crunch/crunchgen/crunchgen.c

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