
Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at optushome.com.au
Mon May 22 01:03:45 PDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-May-21 18:27:31 -0600, Warner Losh wrote:
>> my intention to be offensive, merely to draw attention to problems we
>> have with product management.  These problems remain.

I suspect that the e-mail grog is apologising for should have been
on a private mailing list rather than a public one.  There have been
a couple of cases recently where committers have attacked each other
in public lists - this does not do anything to enhance an outsider's
view of the Project.

>The pcvt removal has been long planned.

As a non-committer, the first I was aware of it was phk's mail last
Wednesday (sent 3 hours before pcvt was axed).  IMHO, this proposal
should have been raised on -arch (and maybe -announce) with a period
allowed for someone to come forward and take over (and fix) pcvt
before it was axed.

The ports subsystem seems to have a formal process where unloved and
broken ports are explicitly flagged for deletion with a (normally) 3
month timeout for someone to step forward.  Maybe something like
this is needed in the base system as well.

>pcvt illustrates a problem that we've had in the project where we have
>too many identical ways of doing the same thing.  Sometimes this
>diversity is good, other times it gets in the way of project making
>progres.  To properly manage the project, we have to make sure that
>there's a balance between these two extremes.

I totally agree.  My concern is the (apparent) lack of a formal process.

Peter Jeremy
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