cvs commit: src/sys/i386/acpica acpi_machdep.c acpi_wakecode.S src/share/man/man4 acpi.4

Nate Lawson njl at
Sat Jun 10 20:34:51 UTC 2006

njl         2006-06-10 08:06:16 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/i386/acpica      acpi_machdep.c acpi_wakecode.S 
    share/man/man4       acpi.4 
  Move the reset beep tunable/sysctl to debug.acpi.resume_beep.  This makes
  more sense than under hw.acpi.  Also, document this in the man page.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.56      +10 -2     src/share/man/man4/acpi.4
  1.32      +6 -6      src/sys/i386/acpica/acpi_machdep.c
  1.12      +1 -1      src/sys/i386/acpica/acpi_wakecode.S

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