cvs commit: src/share/man/man9 vgone.9

Joseph Koshy jkoshy at FreeBSD.ORG
Thu Jun 8 11:10:34 UTC 2006

> jkoshy      2006-06-07 16:51:54 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     share/man/man9       vgone.9 
>   Log:
>   Catch up with the rename of symbol VDOOMED to VI_DOOMED in revision
>   1.198 of "sys/sys/vnode.h".  Remove a cross-reference to a manual
>   page that never existed.
>   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CVS:
>   PR:              Fill this in if a GNATS PR is affected by the
>   change.  CVS: Submitted by:    Fill this in if someone else sent
>   in the change.  CVS: Reviewed by:     Fill this in if someone else
>   reviewed your modification.  CVS: Approved by:     Fill this in if
>   you needed approval for this commit.  CVS: Obtained from:   Fill
>   this in if the change is from third party software.  CVS: MFC after:
>   N [day[s]|week[s]|month[s]] CVS:    Fill in to get MFC notification
>   later. (days assumed unless specified) CVS:
>   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CVS:
>   Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.5       +1 -3      src/share/man/man9/vgone.9

Apologies for messing up the log entry in this commit.  I have asked
cvs@ for help in cleaning it up.

<jkoshy at>

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