cvs commit: src/etc/rc.d abi

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Thu Jan 12 23:54:15 PST 2006

Brooks Davis <brooks at> wrote:

[using /var/run instead of the linux default locataion]
>> Do you want to have the default linux_base changed to provide such a
>> symlink?
> Sounds like a good idea to me.  If we eventualy switch them all over to

I think a little bit about it (we need to change some ports then, since we
use "chroot $LINUXBASE .../ldconfig" currently to regenerate it).

> this mechanism, we could just directly create the target and avoid the
> cmp dance.

You have to talk to Trevor for the non-default linux_base ports. But don't
expect him to answer (soon). And when he answers, don't expect a positive
answer. There are other changes in the default linux_base port which the
other linux_base ports need to, but he rejects the patches and requests the
revert the changes in the default linux infrastructure (without real
technical arguments).

>> If yes, at which OSVERSION can this be enabled?
> 700013 (just added).



--  Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7     netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137
Force has no place where there is need of skill.
		-- Herodotus

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