cvs commit: src/contrib/bsnmp/snmpd main.c snmpd.config

Hartmut Brandt harti at
Tue Jan 10 03:49:27 PST 2006

harti       2006-01-10 11:49:26 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:        (Branch: BEGEMOT)
    contrib/bsnmp/snmpd  main.c snmpd.config 
  Vendor fix: make the default read and write communities NULL. This
  basically disables any access unless other strings are set in the config
  file. Note, that there is no way to set the communities back to NULL once
  they're set to something not NULL.
  Revision  Changes    Path  +2 -2      src/contrib/bsnmp/snmpd/main.c   +15 -1     src/contrib/bsnmp/snmpd/snmpd.config

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