cvs commit: src/usr.bin/tip/libacu biz22.c biz31.c courier.c df.c dn11.c hayes.c t3000.c v3451.c v831.c ventel.c src/usr.bin/tip/tip Makefile acu.c acutab.c cmds.c cmdtab.c cu.c hunt.c log.c partab.c pathnames.h remote.c tip.1 tip.c tip.h tipout.c uucplock.c value.c ...

Ruslan Ermilov ru at FreeBSD.ORG
Thu Aug 31 14:46:54 UTC 2006

On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 02:14:30PM +0000, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> ru          2006-08-31 14:14:30 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     usr.bin/tip/libacu   biz22.c biz31.c courier.c df.c dn11.c 
>                          hayes.c t3000.c v3451.c v831.c ventel.c 
>     usr.bin/tip/tip      Makefile acu.c acutab.c cmds.c cmdtab.c 
>                          cu.c hunt.c log.c partab.c pathnames.h 
>                          remote.c tip.1 tip.c tip.h tipout.c 
>                          uucplock.c value.c vars.c 
>   Log:
>   Resolve merge conflicts.
For the curious, I'm working on *really* merging the tip(1) manpage
changes, and I'll be additionally merging changes to /etc/remote and
remote(5) later.

Recently, I've found several bugs in tip(1).  I started fixing them,
but then I looked at the OpenBSD, and they seemed to have all been
fixed.  New import brings some visible new bugs (when compiled with
WARNS=2 for example).  I'm going to address them as well and send
patches back to OpenBSD (as well as changes made to manpages).

Ruslan Ermilov
ru at
FreeBSD committer
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