cvs commit: src/share/examples/drivers

Ben Kaduk minimarmot at
Fri Aug 11 17:59:28 UTC 2006

On 8/10/06, Yar Tikhiy <yar at> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 07:20:49PM +1000, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> > On Thu, 2006-Aug-10 10:33:12 +0400, Yar Tikhiy wrote:
> > The problem with having a real driver is that someone who wants to use
> > it as a skeleton has to first separate the "boilerplate" from the
> > functional parts.  OTOH, having a well-commented and working driver
> > can be very useful when trying to understand how to get from the
> > boilerplate to a real driver.
> Well, an existing driver (or several drivers of different complexity)
> could be adapted this way; and, according to my own experience in
> jobs as dirty as this one, it can be enough fun to you when you
> learn something interesting from it, too.  OTOH, it's tedious to
> do in case you can recite the driver source, smiling when it comes
> to a particularly exquisite hack.  Therefore we shouldn't expect
> driver maintainers or active driver developers to do the job: FreeBSD
> means, first of all, fun.  At the same time, not-so-experienced
> developers could do it with pleasure, as well as for the benefit
> of both theirselves and the community.  Note that "developers"
> doesn't mean "committers" at once, and everyone can help by submitting
> respective patches--preferably a patch per a whole driver, not per
> a comment added. :-)

I'm sure Alexander wouldn't mind if you sent him a description for the
project ideas page -- are there any drivers in particular that could
easily benefit from such a treatment?

-Ben Kaduk

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