cvs commit: ports/editors/ Makefile ports/editors/ Makefile.knobs cws-maho1.diff ports/editors/ Makefile ports/editors/ Makefile.knobs cws-maho1.diff

Maho Nakata maho at
Sat Aug 5 13:33:47 UTC 2006

maho        2006-08-05 13:33:46 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    editors/ Makefile 
    editors/ Makefile.knobs 
    editors/ Makefile 
    editors/ Makefile.knobs 
  Removed files:
    editors/ cws-maho1.diff 
    editors/ cws-maho1.diff 
  Now buildable with java-gcj-compat. WITH_GNUGCJ uses it.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.266     +7 -13     ports/editors/
  1.30      +2 -2      ports/editors/
  1.7       +0 -283    ports/editors/ (dead)
  1.245     +7 -13     ports/editors/
  1.30      +2 -2      ports/editors/
  1.2       +0 -285    ports/editors/ (dead)

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