cvs commit: ports/sysutils Makefile ports/sysutils/freebsd-snapshot Makefile distinfo pkg-descr ports/sysutils/freebsd-snapshot/files patch-snapshot patch-snapshot.8

Marcus Alves Grando marcus at
Fri Sep 23 18:36:48 PDT 2005

Kirill Ponomarew wrote:
>>> "UFS2 snapshot utilities by Ralf S. Engelschall"
>>I would actually prefer this to become part of the base system.

I received that from ports/PR. rse@ can request to include this in src.

> I'd like to get more extensive info about this port in pkg-descr
> than just pointing to URL.  COMMENT in Makefile should be probably
> also more informative.
> -Kirill

>From snapshot(8). I make patch to change pkg-descr. Thanks

The snapshot command is a convenience frontend to mount(8) and
mdconfig(8) for the management of UFS2 snapshots.  It is also the under-
lying tool used in the periodic snapshot scheduler periodic-snapshot(8)
and the mounting/unmouning command in the amd(8) map /etc/
It provides the making, expiring, visiting, mounting and unmounting of
filesystem snapshots.

Marcus Alves Grando
Grupos Internet S/A

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