cvs commit: ports/games Makefile ports/games/linux-ut2003-demo Makefile distinfo pkg-descr ports/games/linux-ut2003-demo/files

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Sun Sep 4 12:51:43 PDT 2005

On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 20:40:37 +0200
Jean-Yves Lefort <jylefort at> wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 18:51:22 +0200
> Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at> wrote:
> > On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 17:18:49 +0200
> > Jean-Yves Lefort <jylefort at> wrote:
> >  
> > > > >   Log:
> > > > >   Add linux-ut2003-demo.
> > > > 
> > > > Why is it necessary to generate the plist at install time? As far as I
> > > > can see the port installs a fixed set of files and doesn't do any magic
> > > > to prevent the installation of files depending on a complex set of
> > > > options or the state of the moon.
> > > 
> > > It reduces the size of the port by about 40kb, and eases future updates.
> > 
> > We had a discussion on ports@ a while ago: As long as there are no very
> > urgent reasons to use a install-time generated plist a maintainer
> > should (as in: we point with fingers on you if you don't do it) use a
> > static plist since it is more beneficial for most people.
> The pkg-plist/PLIST_*/MAN*/PORTDOCS/... set is not meant to be
> human-readable. See x11/nvidia-driver/pkg-plist for an example.

They are human-readable ATM and a lot of procedures rely on this. There
are always exceptions, but the ut demo ports don't need to be
an exception. Please reread the thread I mentioned before you come up
with other arguments since it's beaten to death already.

[suggestions about new metadata handling]

This is out of the scope of what I want to discuss, feel free to start
a new thread with a meaningful subject.


            Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;
     teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.                       Alexander @
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