cvs commit: src/tools/tools/netrate/httpd httpd.c

Robert Watson rwatson at
Thu Oct 6 04:44:51 PDT 2005

On Thu, 6 Oct 2005, Mike Silbersack wrote:

>>  Modified files:
>>    tools/tools/netrate/httpd httpd.c
>>  Log:
>>  Improve realism of benchmark httpd: return some HTTP headers as part
>>  of the sendfile() system call.
>>  Revision  Changes    Path
>>  1.2       +24 -1     src/tools/tools/netrate/httpd/httpd.c
> You can't use this to compare to 4.x then, FWIW.  4.x's sendfile always 
> puts the headers in a separate packet, so in a large percentage of cases 
> it's noticeably less efficient, network-traffic wise.

It depends what you're trying to benchmark.  If the goal is to illustrate 
the performance changes as a result of on-going development, it's 
legitimate to say that the changes in sendfile() are simply part of that 
process.  I.e., it's not cheating to have sendfile() improvements count 
towards overall performance when evaluating overall performance.

Robert N M Watson

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