cvs commit: src/sys/modules/iwi Makefile src/sys/dev/iwi if_iwi.c if_iwireg.h if_iwivar.h

John Baldwin jhb at
Mon Nov 21 06:58:58 PST 2005

On Saturday 19 November 2005 11:54 am, Damien Bergamini wrote:
> damien      2005-11-19 16:54:55 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     sys/modules/iwi      Makefile
>     sys/dev/iwi          if_iwi.c if_iwireg.h if_iwivar.h
>   Log:
>   Load firmware images directly from the filesystem (looks into
> /etc/firmware directory by default) without requiring the user to load them
> by hand using e.g iwicontrol.  Get rid of the old ioctl crud.
>   Updated iwi-firmware port coming soon.
>   Obtained from:  OpenBSD

Ewwww!  I really don't like it when the kernel tries to grub around in the 
filesystem.  Why can't you trigger iwicontrol to load the firmware using 
devd(4) if you want to make the user experience more automatic?

John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =

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