cvs commit: src/sys/conf files.i386 src/sys/modules/agp Makefile src/sys/pci agp_ati.c agpreg.h

Nate Lawson nate at
Sat Nov 19 16:50:30 PST 2005

Eric Anholt wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 17:23 +0100, Jeremie Le Hen wrote:
>>Hi, Eric,
>>On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 09:14:14PM +0000, Eric Anholt wrote:
>>>anholt      2005-11-14 21:14:14 UTC
>>>  FreeBSD src repository
>>>  Modified files:        (Branch: RELENG_6)
>>>    sys/conf             files.i386 
>>>    sys/modules/agp      Makefile 
>>>    sys/pci              agpreg.h 
>>>  Added files:           (Branch: RELENG_6)
>>>    sys/pci              agp_ati.c 
>>>  Log:
>>>  MFC: ATI IGP AGP driver.
>>Please, excuse my ignorance, but I have absolutely no skills about this
>>kind of things.  However, I'm quite interested in ATI drivers as my
>>ATI X700 doesn't work with X.Org currently.
>>What is the purpose of this driver ?  I feel this is not the DRM driver,
>>but I don't know what is this "ATI IGP AGP driver".
> Right, it's not the DRM driver, it's the AGP driver for ATI's integrated
> (IGP) graphics chipsets.  If you want support for your X700, you
> probably need to grab the drm from DRM CVS, along with
> graphics/dri-devel and x11-server/xorg-server-snap.  I'm actually about
> ready to merge that DRM to -current, but I want to do something a new
> way for that merge.
> I'd like to avoid going through p4 for merging.  The DRM is really
> contrib code, and the local diffs from other committers that we
> occasionally have in FreeBSD need to just get pushed upstream.  So the
> differences between DRM CVS and DRM CVS integrated into FreeBSD are:
> - replace #include "blah.h" with #include "dev/drm/blah.h".  I'm going
>   to avoid this using sys/conf/files compile-with lines now.
> - add $FreeBSD$ to all files after the copyright block, since our cvs
>   checkin scripts demand it.
> - Replace /* with /*- for copyright blocks
> Could someone make up a script for those last 2 steps?  It would
> probably make us get DRM into FreeBSD faster if I didn't have to
> interact with 3 different repositories to do so every time.

You should do all 3 steps from a script since I think compile-with has 
just been swept from the tree by obrien at .  Warner has a script to do the 
/*- thing.


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