cvs commit: ports/games/linux-quake4 Makefile

Edwin Groothuis edwin at
Thu Nov 17 14:25:12 PST 2005

edwin       2005-11-17 22:25:11 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    games/linux-quake4   Makefile 
  New maintainer: "Andrew P." <infofarmer at>
      I'm not a gamer, and I don't own the game, but this is an
      important port and it would be a pity to see it orphaned. So
      I'm willing to take maintainership until someone more suitable
      steps forward..
      BTW, Q4 runs great on FreeBSD.  There are still a few tweaks
      to be made (e.g.  q4 would be glad to see linprocfs), but overall
      it runs without any bugs, glitches or performance problems.
      We need to put some pressure on Ati guys to release either
      drivers or specs.  Maybe we'll talk later about it at advocacy at .
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +1 -1      ports/games/linux-quake4/Makefile

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