Step back and think about this for a moment .. (was Re: cvs commit: www/en/layout/css global.css)

Murray Stokely murray at
Thu Nov 10 10:42:27 PST 2005

On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 08:32:50PM +0100, Alex Dupre wrote:
> Joel Dahl wrote:
> >Everything is too big and ugly.  We're back at the pre-redesign state.
> I prefer the previous version, too. Now the normal size text is too big 
> and some single-lines are splitted into two rows. I tried with firefox 
> (default installation) on a 1280x1024 and 1152x864 19" display.

[picking a random message to reply to]

I don't mean to dampen anyone's enthusiasm for working on this, but I
really think that Emily was doing a better job at testing her CSS
changes on a broad spectrum of OS/www/resolution combinations that she
was given credit for.  She offered to address the complaints and put
them through her normal testing matrix but we seem to have brushed her
aside in the rush to "fix" things and I think that is a mistake since
we're seeing people come to the same realizations about tradeoffs that
Emily had long since come across.

      - Murray

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