cvs commit: www/en/layout/css global.css

Alex Dupre ale at
Wed Nov 9 23:01:12 PST 2005

Marc Fonvieille wrote:
> Ok, I have questions for persons victim of the "too big" issue:
> What's your resolution?

1280x1024 on a 19" LCD panel (but I have th exact rendering on a 
1152x864 19" CRT monitor).

> What's your dpi setting (xdpyinfo | grep resolution)?

(--) RADEON(0): Display dimensions: (380, 300) mm
(--) RADEON(0): DPI set to (85, 86)

> What's your font settings in your browser?

Never changed, default Firefox installation, default text size. (I think 
it should be serif/sans-serif 16px and monospace 12px).

> What's your browser?


> Do you have the same issue when displaying this page:
> ?

I'd say no, but it's a different structured page, it's difficult to 
compare. In the documentation pages the font size is even bigger, but 
it's ok for that purpose, there aren't fixed boxes or single-lines that 
are splitted into two rows. If I read the doc online I like the 
readability, not the style. The web site, instead, should presents the 
info in a more compact and nice way.

Alex Dupre

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