cvs commit: src/sys/dev/ata ata-queue.c

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Tue May 17 09:05:17 PDT 2005

Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at> wrote:

> Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at> writes:
>> Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at> wrote:
>> > There is no good reason to use what you call the classic way, and
>> > you're not doing anybody any favors by pretending there is.
>> What does the buildkernel way what the classic way doesn't do?
>> What does the buildkernel way what the classic way doesn't do? Which item in
>> this list needs to be done to avoid some bad things to happen and which bad
>> things are we talking about?
> These questions have been answered before, many times.

And I haven't seen a technical reason why the classic way of doing it is bad.
Did I missed it or do I have to say "I don't get it"?

>> If you just change one file and you want to recompile the kernel, which
>> procedure is faster?
> They're equally fast, though 'buildkernel' normally does 'make clean'
> and 'make depend' every time.  Use NO_KERNELCLEAN when you can get
> away with it (which is most of the time; I have it in make.conf) and
> NO_KERNELDEPEND when you know you haven't changed the dependency tree
> (i.e. when you haven't changed any #include statements).  All the
> usual tricks (KODIR, NO_MODULES, MODULES_OVERRIDE) also work.

The "equally fast, though ..." part is funny (at least to me, YMMV)...

So I have to type "make buildkernel -DNO_KERNELDEPEND" (while having
NO_KERNELCLEAN=yes in make.conf) instead of "make"... sorry, but I'm too
lazy to do this (at least as long as I don't get a benefit out of using the
new way).


--  Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7     netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137
Rule the Empire through force.
		-- Shogun Tokugawa

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