cvs commit: ports/graphics/djvulibre Makefile ports/textproc/wordnet Makefile

Mikhail Teterin Mikhail.Teterin at
Thu Jul 14 19:57:32 GMT 2005


Your link provides an outdated example. Thanks for bringing it up. The ability 
to use regular expressions exists since:

revision 1.439
date: 2003/02/12 05:15:03;  author: knu;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -3
Fix comment.  LIB_DEPENDS can contain extended regular expressions.

That was 2.5 years ago. Since then, there appeared special tricks in, like:

revision 1.491
date: 2004/06/10 07:30:19;  author: kris;  state: Exp;  lines: +29 -30
* Support glob expressions in USE_GETTEXT to allow more flexibility
  in the face of future gratuitous library version bumps by the gettext
  developers [3]:

  USE_GETTEXT=yEs   # Works as before (case-insensitive)
  USE_GETTEXT=[5-7] # Accepts any of those versions
                    # in the LIB_DEPENDS

Doc-team (CC-ed) should fix the documentation:

	-There shall be no regular expressions in this variable.
	+lib can be an extended regular expression

> BTW: portmgr, want to take care of this thread? End it now is better than  
> later.

Jeremy, all technical arguments against my idea, which you brought up 
yesterday on the gnome@ (viz. non-existent potential for API/ABI 
incompatibilities), were wrong. And now you are appealing to "authority"?.. 
Do not turn this into an ego contest.


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