cvs commit: src/games/fortune/datfiles fortunes

Ruslan Ermilov ru at
Wed Feb 2 05:42:35 PST 2005

On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 02:16:40PM +0100, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> Ruslan Ermilov <ru at> writes:
> >   Modified files:
> >     games/fortune/datfiles fortunes 
> >   Log:
> >   Removed 1695 fortunes also found in fortunes2.
> I'd vote for simply merging the two.
How do we want to sort the concatenation?  We can sort
ignoring the whitespace, punctuation, and case, and only
considering "word" characters, a-la "sort -d".  I can
arrange for this easily, but it will kill CVS history of
the merged "fortunes" file.

Ruslan Ermilov
ru at
FreeBSD committer
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