cvs commit: src/sys/net80211 ieee80211.c ieee80211_input.c ieee80211_ioctl.c ieee80211_node.c ieee80211_node.h ieee80211_output.c ieee80211_proto.c ieee80211_proto.h ieee80211_var.h src/sys/dev/ath if_ath.c src/sys/dev/ipw if_ipw.c ...

Sam Leffler sam at
Sat Aug 13 04:51:35 GMT 2005

[Not sure why you're sending this to cvs-all]

Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> ipw is still broken [for me]..

Sorry but that wasn't the question.  I don't believe the commit you are 
responding to changed the behaviour of the ipw driver and that was what 
I wanted to confirm.

> Some time before 6 was branched I could use ipw with no encryption or WEP (but not WPA), but recently ipw doesn't work at all.
> It loads OK, and I can scan for stations, eg..
> [inchoate 13:18] ~ >sudo kldload if_ipw
> [inchoate 13:19] ~ >sudo ipwcontrol -f /usr/local/share/ipw-firmware/ipw2100-1.3.fw
> [inchoate 13:20] ~ >sudo ifconfig ipw0 up
> [inchoate 13:20] ~ >sudo ifconfig ipw0 scan
> SSID            BSSID              CHAN RATE  S:N   INT CAPS
> dons            00:13:10:9b:52:d4    6   11M 55:0   100 E
> However when I try and associate..
> [inchoate 13:20] ~ >sudo ifconfig ipw0 up ssid dons
> [inchoate 13:20] ~ >sudo ifconfig ipw0
> ipw0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>         ether 00:04:23:a4:12:74
>         media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (autoselect)
>         status: no carrier
>         ssid dons channel 6
>         authmode OPEN privacy OFF txpowmax 100

Someone reported the ipw driver at the author's web site works (better); 
you might try that.  Unfortunately the code in the tree is not being 
maintained so far as I can tell.

> ipwcontrol output looks pretty suspicious too..
> [inchoate 13:21] ~ >ipwcontrol
> I tried ./80211debug -i ipw0 +scan +debug +assoc but I couldn't get 
> anything logged to dmesg :(

I don't believe the ipw driver does honors any of the net80211 debug 


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