cvs commit: ports/archivers/gzip Makefile ports/archivers/ucl Makefile ports/archivers/lzop Makefile ports/archivers/cabextract Makefile ports/archivers/dact Makefile ports/archivers/star Makefile ports/archivers/arj Makefile ports/archivers/tardy ...

David O'Brien obrien at
Mon Apr 11 19:42:00 PDT 2005

On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 11:44:33AM -0700, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> The first issue here is timing.  As reminded in my original email
> there are not supposed to be any sweeping commits during the ports
> slush.  The second issue is the amount of breakage that happened here
> due to untested changes and apparent lack of visual review of the diff
> prior to committing.

I did review the diff, but it was 13769 lines, and affected 778 ports.
I goofed on a few ports, and am quite embarred by that.  But the goofs
only 1% of the commit.

-- David  (obrien at

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