cvs commit: src/release/doc/share/sgml release.ent

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Sun Apr 3 04:16:55 PDT 2005

Ken Smith <kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU> wrote
  in <1112514260.55094.31.camel at>:

ke> this please?  In particular should 5.3 be listed as release.prev.stable,
ke> and perhaps 4.11 as release.prev.historic?

 No need to care about release.prev.stable in RELENG_5_4 because it is
 used in readme/article.sgml only when relnotes for the snapshot
 releases are built.  And I just removed release.prev.historic since
 distinction between release.prev.historic and release.prev is no longer
 needed.  Sorry for the confusion.

| Hiroki SATO
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